Happy Blog Anniversary!
Okay, not really the anniversary of this blog today. It was June 1. But, it was just now that I took the time to look up when I started blogging. So, if you've been by before or even if this is your first time, take a moment to de-lurk and leave a comment. I'll stop short of begging and just ask; please say hi, leave a link to your blog, what you've been learning lately, what your favorite factory tour has been, or where you are from. I'd like to put a name to those IP addresses I see in my visitor stats. :)
At 10:54 PM,
Marie said…
Since you are begging :-)
Thanks for visiting my rather amateurish and newbie blog site Kathy. I've enjoyed yours a great deal (we have a common friend, Erin Brennan, who introduced me to your site.) So useful! I'm basically talking to myself on mine, so your comment came as a big surprise.
Love the pictures of the flood in your area...we didn't get it so bad down here in Media. Just a damp basement and a lot of lightening and downed trees.
Hope to meet you in person soon,
At 5:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
ALright, I do try to catch up sometimes on your blog. I have one too. It is at www.homescholblogger.com/REInvestor
Enjoying the summer up here. We got had hit by rain too, but most of the area seems to be recovering.
Jenny D
At 9:32 AM,
mandaroo63 said…
Hi! Just found your blog while hitting "next" on Unschooling Blogs. Loved the Chinese Shadow Puppets, will show to my girls today. My 7 yr old loves learning about other countries. Our favorite field trip...the girls would probably say Logan's Candy Cane store in Ontario, CA during the holidays.Feel free to visit our blogs too. Mandy
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