Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Virtual Astronomy Tomorrow 3/29

Live from Turkey - A Total Solar Eclipse! Don't worry, it will be archived if you don't want to get up at 5 am to see it live. The following is from an e-mail sent out by Bob Riddle, editor of Scope on the Skies - Check out his website.

Sun-Earth Day 2006 is tomorrow - March 29th. The following is a schedule of the web cast:

5:00 a.m. Welcome
5:02 a.m. What is an eclipse?
5:05 a.m. How are we seeing it?
5:09 a.m. Where we are and why
5:12 a.m. What is the sun?
5:24 a.m. Crowd reactions
5:27 a.m. What will we see looking down?
5:33 a.m. What will it be like for us?
5:39 a.m. Crowd reactions
5:41 a.m. What will we see looking up?
5:47 a.m. What we learn from eclipses (past/present)
5:54 a.m. Prepare for totality
5:54:59 a.m. Totality begins
5:58:44 a.m. Totality ends
6:00 a.m. Crowd reactions
6:06 a.m. Commentary and replay of eclipse and sky darkening
6:12 a.m. Thank you and sign off

NASA TV will carry the web cast live beginning at 4:30 am EST with ground based telescope images. The actual web cast will begin at 5:00am EST ending at 6:15 am EST.

The event will be archived on line at: http://sunearthday.nasa.gov

Visit the NASA Portal for additional related programs and information: www.nasa.gov/eclipse

Additional Programs on NASA TV

March 28th the NASA "Education Channel will show- Dancing in the Night Sky

March 29th Live from the Sun
March 30th Living with a Star
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