Saturday, March 25, 2006


I thought I'd spend just a bit of time explaining or excusing some of the things in the right hand column and at the bottom of the posts. For those that are familiar with blogs this will probably not be new, but for those of you who aren't, this may help your understanding and utilizing blogs more.

The bloglet subscription, when it is working, sends you either a whole post, part of a post or just a notice that there is a post at a blog. Mine hasn't been working recently, but I'm hoping I have it fixed now.

Another way to keep on blogs is to use an RSS reader. Mine is an add-on to my browser (Firefox). I click and drag the RSS feed button or the Atom reader button into a sidebar and whenever the sidebar is open I can monitor if a new post goes up. These feeds can also be sorted and organized to make checking them easier.

Depending on the blogging software a blogger uses you may see a listing of catagories or as in my case keywords. Clicking on the catagory heading will show you on one page everything the blogger has posted on that topic. There may be more than one catagory per post. If you click on a keyword you will be taken to a separate website that shows you everything I have saved with that keyword. This includes more than just my posts, it also includes websites that I've found and tagged with that keyword. Once at the site you can also see what everyone else who uses has tagged with that keyword. It is pretty cool. Go to the right hand column and give it a try! By the way, I'm adding all the calendars that I check into so if you click on "calendar_of_events" you can quickly check what is going on at a certain location.

The keywords that I assign to each post are listed at the bottom of my blog posts.

Other internet tech questions? Leave a comment!

And, by the way, the Peregrine Falcons from my last post have one egg so far.
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