Just sent out this email to my Fieldlearning List subscribers:
Sad to let go, but happy not to have the ever present need to enter events on the calendar. I'll spend some of this freed-up time knitting socks, but I will only take on orders whenever I have the time.
Greetings All!
If you’ve taken a look at the calendar this month, you may have noticed it is a little bare. May is a busy month with the end of school and the beginning of the garden, but it is also a big month for our family. Three generations have birthdays next week and mine is one of them. Birthdays are good times to evaluate, to re-arrange and to let go. This is a big birthday for me (forty) and so I’ve undertaken some major overhauling. Of relevance to all of you, the Fieldlearning calendar will not continue. I plan to keep my blog ( ) as the main page and post to it as there is time, and have links to the resources pages from there as well, but everything else will be gone. This rearrangement will happen over the next few months. The calendar will remain up during that time with the events that are currently on it, but I will not be adding new ones, nor will I be sending out e-mails about events. My email address will remain the same.
Thank you for all your notes of encouragement and appreciation over the last four years. It was great to become acquainted with so many people from so many places and situations. I have become a better homeschool parent because of my interactions with many of you!
Many of the on-line calendars that I visited to find about events at specific sites are listed here: and Philly Fun Guide is listing more and more kid-friendly events as well.
And of course there are all the great yahoo groups where you can find information about many many events. Here is a PARTIAL list: Tam Kell’s list
Best wishes to everyone in your learning adventures!
Sad to let go, but happy not to have the ever present need to enter events on the calendar. I'll spend some of this freed-up time knitting socks, but I will only take on orders whenever I have the time.
At 5:13 PM,
Unknown said…
Dear Kathy,
Thanks so much for your years of service. I've enjoyed your site immensely.
Janice Firth
At 5:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kathy -
Your posts have been such an encouragement to me. I very much enjoy your site. Thank you for your service and my you be blessed all the changes ahead.
Christine M
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