Sky Show
Two astronomical events I hit upon in the last two days. Both should only involve walking outside. For the second one you'll need a a pencil, paper and a protractor to participate. The first is from Spaceweather:
The clear sky clock says the weather will be great for viewing tonight in the Philly area.
The other was from a science teachers' list I am subscribed to:
If you are studying Earth Science this year (or even if you aren't) participating in special events like these bring some purpose and excitement to the subject.
Space Weather News for Sept. 6, 2005
SUNSET PLANETS: On Tuesday, Sept. 6th--that's today--the crescent moon will leap up from the glare of the Sun to join Venus and Jupiter in the western sky at sunset. It's going to be a beautiful sight; don't miss it! Bonus: Can you see a ghostly glow across the dark part of the moon? That's Earthshine.
The clear sky clock says the weather will be great for viewing tonight in the Philly area.
The other was from a science teachers' list I am subscribed to:
Take part in a global project during the September Equinox by joining
with students at Colegio Menor San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) and
students and educators from around the globe in SunShIP, the Sun Shadow
Investigation Project. Participants will measure the altitude of the
mid-day Sun and use this information to calculate the polar
circumference of the Earth. Additionally participants are encouraged to
take pictures of student involvement or of mid-day shadows from various
latitudes for comparison.
Participating individuals or classrooms that send in data will receive
an official certificate from the Eratosthenes Society.
Visit the project web site at for more information, activities for all grade levels, and to add your name or
classroom to the participant guest map.
If you are studying Earth Science this year (or even if you aren't) participating in special events like these bring some purpose and excitement to the subject.
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